The Committee Members
Here is the complete listing of all the committees
represented in the Organization and its members.
The Student Awards Committee
Receive completed applications and review submissions then submit final choices
to the Board for voting.
Chairperson: Open
Members: Cindy Curto / Earl Harrison
The Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Responsible for periodically reviewing and recommending revisions to the
Constitution and By-Laws.
Chairperson: Kingsly Berlin
The Discovery Programs Committee
Soliciting suggestions from membership as to the content of program. Organize
the program, obtain speakers, and contacting exhibitors.
Chairperson: Open
The Facebook Committee
Chairperson: Kingsly Berlin
The Finance Committee
Develop a budget and present financial reports. Auditing the treasury whenever
the Treasurer position is changed.
Chairperson: Peggy Dahlhausen
Members: Janet Buck / Kingsly Berlin
The Legislative Committee
Monitor legislation, keep the OAVT in good standing with the State of Ohio,
lobbying on behalf of technicians.
Chairperson: Kingsly Berlin
The Membership Committee
Determine the elegibility and approving applications of candidates for
membership, keep accurate the current record of names and addresses of members,
distinguish which district each member resides.
Members: Ashley Jenkins / Lauren Krohn / Peggy Dahlhausen
The MVC Committee
This is a committee of the OVMA. Responsibilities include suggesting and
obtaining speakers the technician tracks at MVC.
Chairperson: Open
Co-Chairperson: Dr. Angela Beal
Members: Mackenzie Engel / Kristie Houlles-Burd / Darcy Merrell Skaggs
The Newsletter Committee
Responsible for communications with the membership of the Association.
Chairperson: Cindy Curto
Members: Peggy Dahlhausen
The Nominating Committee
Chairperson: Cindy Curto
The Public Relations Committee
Responsible for preparing and disseminating information on Association affairs
through various media including displays, presentations, and other functions
considered appropriate to serve as liaison between the Association and the
general public.
Chairperson: Open
Members: Peggy Dahlhausen
The Social Media Committee
Maintenance of Facebook content and access.
Chairperson: Open
The VNI Update Committee
Chairperson: Rachel McGinty / Kingsly Berlin
The Website Committee
Maintenance of the contracts with web designer, keeping the website current.
Chairperson: Open
Members: Rachel McGinty / Ashley Jenkins